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Here you will find my collection of accurate and detailed transcriptions as Guitar tabs + Piano sheets + Bass tabs with Chords and Lyrics that will teach how to Play Like The Greats.

"Century" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

Julian Lage

"Century" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

"Century" by Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords
"Century" by Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

"Century" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

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song: Century
artist: Julian Lage
album: World's Fair (2015)
writer: Julian Lage

steel-stringed acoustic guitar: Julian Lage

This is a detailed note-for-note transcription of “Century”. From a guitarist’s perspective, this song sticks out: It is as brutally challenging as his etudes are. In order to make this feasible, I have detailed and care for even the tiniest details in this piece of sheet music. Enjoy!