Frequently Asked Questions
Q 1: My download link, where is it?
A: Your download link should be found in your email inbox after purchase, but if not:
Most likely, it is detained by your email spam filter and can be found and discharged by consulting your “Spam” inbox. (Email filters can, understandably, be a bit suspicious towards unexpected emails that instruct you to download stuff…)
In most other cases, the download link is not yet sent, as the payment is still being processed. This can sometimes take a couple of hours. Be sure to check your own account to see if the payment process is actually completed.
Q 2: My download link expired. Can I get a new one?
A: Of course, you can!
Send me an email, at, with the order-# of your receipt, and I will send you a new download link. (Be aware: This new download link expires after 24 hours as well, so download before it’s too late… and I would have to send you a third link.)
Next time, if you make a customer login first, you can re-download your orders.
Q 3: I lost my files, and I did not make an account. How do I retrieve them?
A: Don’t worry, nothing is lost! Just send me an email with either your order-# or email address from the receipt, and we will figure it out.
Q 4: How do I open my downloaded file?
A: Every product is a set of files, which thus needs to be bundled somehow. For this, I have chosen the most common format, the zip file-bundle. All newer computers can open these file-bundles automatically, but if yours is getting old, simply get yourself one of the many free unzip softwares. (And trust me, you will be needing this again soon anyway!)
Q 5: My credit card does not work. Why?
A: I cannot help you myself, since the payment procedure is out of my hands (I merely sublet my website at the webhost Squarespace, whose payment system module is provided by Stripe.) Someone else can help you though, and you can do 3 things:
Try the payment procedure again tomorrow – honestly, this works in most cases. Capricious are the ways of the credit card gods…
Contact the worldly customer service at Stripe.
Make an account with PayPal, who provide a quite reliable payment service.
Q 6: Can I buy the original Guitar Pro files?
A: I’m afraid not. I really wish I could sell them, but I have to keep them close. As much as I would like to sell these source files, they are unfortunately all too easy to leak elsewhere and spread out of my control. Since this would entirely ruin my business model, I must stick to the principle of not selling them. Instead, I do include a midi file and an xml file, for free, and these can be imported back into most music software. This is the best I can do – I hope you understand!
Q 7: Can you transpose or re-arrange the song I bought?
A: No, that is a different service that I do not provide here. The job of the Transcriber is to translate sound into written music, in order to show how a song is played. To transpose or re-arrange songs into other keys or tunings, or for other instruments, however, is the job of the Arranger. Most music software can do this job nowadays: For this very purpose, I included a midi and xml file that you can import.
Q 8: Do you take requests for transcribing songs?
A: Yes! – These are the terms:
Your requested song cannot be too niche. It must be of broad interest to the musicians’ community. Therefore, it must have a convincing amount of views/listens somewhere or be of historical importance. Most suggestions I must decline because they fail to live up to this (but I do make exceptions occasionally).
The transcription fee for a song starts at $ 100, and I decide the fee based on the size of the transcription job. Once we have agreed on the details – what instruments are included?, any deadline?, layout specifications?, etc. – the fee is paid up front, and I will get the job done as soon as possible. I will then upload the new song on the website, and you will be able to buy it first for the standard price of $ 5.
Finally, also in the spirit of broad interest: When the transcription is done, it will also be available for purchase by other musicians. In other words, to request a transcription is not to acquire exclusive rights to the product, but rather to direct my time and expertise to your choice of music for the benefit of everyone.
Email me at