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Here you will find my collection of accurate and detailed transcriptions as Guitar tabs + Piano sheets + Bass tabs with Chords and Lyrics that will teach how to Play Like The Greats.

"40's" (World's Fair) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

Julian Lage

"40's" (World's Fair) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

"40's" (World's Fair) by Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords
"40's" (World's Fair) by Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

"40's" (World's Fair) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

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song: 40's
artist: Julian Lage
album: World's Fair (2015)
writer: Julian Lage

steel-stringed acoustic guitar: Julian Lage

This opening track captures the spirit of the World’s Fair album – if there were such a thing as ‘the lead single’, this would be it. This noble composition is one of the easier tunes to play at first, and one can relatively quickly learn to play through the main sections. But, as with any from this bunch of tunes, the depth of dynamics and tone can be developed forever, to the point where Julian Lage develops his music. Enjoy!