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"Lullaby" (World's Fair) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Chords + Sheet Music

Julian Lage

"Lullaby" (World's Fair) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Chords + Sheet Music

Lullaby Julian Lage World's Worlds Fair guitar tabs tab chord chords sheet music transcription acoustic.png
Lullaby Julian Lage World's Worlds Fair guitar tabs tab chord chords sheet music transcription acoustic.png

"Lullaby" (World's Fair) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Chords + Sheet Music

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song: Lullaby
artist: Julian Lage
album: World's Fair (2015)
writer: Julian Lage (2015)

steel-stringed acoustic guitar: Julian Lage

This is a beautiful tune that gently closes the whole World’s Fair album. From a player’s perspective, this lets you focus on your tone – on this recording, it is being executed beautifully and intimately by Julian Lage! This tune is a fairly simple and sparse arrangement, which is good for beginners, too. Enjoy!