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"Chanting" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

Julian Lage

"Chanting" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

"Chanting" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords
"Chanting" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

"Chanting" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tab + Sheet Music + Chords

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song: Chanting (Ornette Coleman cover)
artist: Julian Lage
performance: Julian Lage YouTube channel (2020)
writer: Ornette Coleman (1988)

This is a transcription of Julian Lage’s cover of the tune “Chanting” by Ornette Coleman and the Prime Time ensemble. This is an solo-guitar arrangement (in the original key of Ab Major) that brings out the placid atmosphere and joyful zen of this free-time composition. In the third chorus section, Julian Lage also incorporates lots of his signature chromatic runs and dissonant chord structures. Enjoy!